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Friday, March 26, 2010

Quick update and a few more pics

Nothing too crazy to report here. Kim and I are on a schedule which seems to be working well. Aubrey I think has finally figured out day and night. She spends more time awake during the day now and sleeps well throughout the night. I think we got lucky with her! She doesn't fuss almost at all, she sleeps and sleeps and sleeps then wakes up eats hangs out for a bit and goes back to sleep. We have had a few visitors come around to visit with Aubrey. Steve, Penny and Sarah came by to visit for a bit. They all love the baby! Our friend Todd came by to meet Aubrey and brought us some delicious Thai food as well. All in all it's been a piece of cake! lol... for the most part..


  1. AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and what great pictures. Enjoy every moment...wish we were closer. Love, Patti and Dave

  2. She looks more like Kim with her little eyes open!
