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Sunday, September 26, 2010


This is Claudia. Our friend Todd's dog. Aubrey loves dogs. She was very facinated with Claudia. Made her giggle and smile.....

Trip to the Folsom Zoo....

We went to the Folsom Zoo yesterday to see all of the neat animals. They are all northern CA animals, like deer, foxes, wolves, etc.. They even had a squirrel in a cage, kinda silly. They had a skunk behind glass though... it was really cool. So cute. I decided that I like skunks. My new favorite animal.

Aubrey liked looking at all of the other people more than the animals.

My friend Leila went with us....we are in the park outside of the zoo. I of course forgot to take pics in the zoo....

Here is a rooster in the park.. there are chickens and roosters roaming around everywhere.... Aubrey didn't really like the rooster because it crows really loud. She would jump everytime it crowed.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I can sit up on my own now and I have one tooth coming in! It hurts!

Panda Bear out fit and Daddy's Foot!

Panda Bears are Mommy's favorite animal so I of course had to get his cute outfit for Baby. Daddy of course had to tease mommy and stick his foot in this really cute pic! Thanks Daddy!

There are Panda Bears faces on the feet! So adorable. I used to hate pink.. but how can you resist for a little girl.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We go to Tahoe!

Tahoe in August... beautiful.

Daddy with Baby in back pack. She is too small to see.. but she is in there..